By Akin Ojumu What exactly does it mean to say, “We are going to turn to God,” or “We are trusting God?” Our society is one where fraud and fraudulent activities run rampant. Our people lie and cheat with no sense of guilt. To trust anyone is to leave yourself vulnerable and a sucker to be had and defrauded. We cut corners at every turn and break the rules at all times. There’s idolatry in our cities and wickedness in our families. Brothers use their brothers in rituals to acquire wealth. Sisters kill their sisters’ children out of sheer malice. Friends entrusted by friends to help handle projects quite often run away with the funds leaving the work undone. Yahoo boys use their God's given ingenuity to defraud others of their hard earned resources. The market women sell adulterated foods to unwitting customers, and the butchers sell as beef meats from dead dogs they picked up from the roadside. Counterfeit drugs are sold as genuine medicine and those that use them never get better...