
Showing posts from October, 2022


By Akin Ojumu There are two vital elements of Christian living, namely the study of God’s Word, i.e., Bible, and Prayer. These two ingredients are the most important activities that keep the fire of God alive in the heart and soul of the Christian. They are the true test of spirituality of a Believer. When any of these two is missing or deficient in any way, the result is a Christian with stagnated spiritual growth and arrested spiritual development. An effective and fervent prayer life rests on the solid foundation of understanding of God’s Word. You will never know what to pray and how to pray unless you know what the Bible says about God, His will, and purpose. Our prayer will amount to punching the air if we do not know what the Bible says about our lives, needs, and problems.  Prayers cannot be in a vacuum. Without the knowledge of God’s Word, we’ll always pray amiss. For our prayer to be effective, it must be accompanied by a comprehension of God’s Word. We cannot know God’s trut


By Charles H. Spurgeon “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.” (Philippians 3:18-19). There are among the professed followers of the humble Man of Galilee, men who strive to gain the topmost round of the ladder of this world; whose aim is not to magnify Christ but to magnify themselves at any hazard.  It had been thought at one time that a Christian would be a holy, a humble, and contented man; but it is not so now-a-days. We have (Oh, shame, ye churches!) mere professors; men who are as worldly as the worldliest and have no more of Christ's Holy Spirit in them than the most carnal who never made a profession of the truth.  Again, it is a paradox, but it stares us in the face every day, that we have covetous Christians. It is an inconsistency. We might as well talk of unholy seraphim


LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.  Before the mountains were brought forth,  Or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world,  Even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. The Almighty God does not exist to serve us, we exist to serve Him. The Alpha and the Omega is not a slave that jumps at our every command. The Omnipotent God is not in indentured servitude at our beck and call. Elohim is not on our retainer and contractually bound to service our endless demands. The KING of kings is not subject to the whims and caprices of any man. The LORD of lords cannot be cajoled to do the bidding of man. The Supreme God cannot be manipulated by eloquent prayers. The All-powerful God cannot be compelled by the length of our prayers. Spiritual gimmicks cannot move the hand of Him who holds the heavens in His hands. Pious gymnastics will not sway the One who upholds all things by His powerful Word. God is not on pause waiting to be activated when we say the magic


By Akin Ojumu At sundry times and in diverse manners, the Bible warns us to be mindful of what we allow to enter into our soul. We are admonished never to swallow just about any junk that is thrown our way, even if it sounds pious and reeks of piety. God exhorts us to examine, scrutinize, analyze, and judge all things to determine whether or not they are true.  The reason this is important is to avoid corrupting our soul by what we consume. We are told to guard our heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. To keep the soul healthy, we must abstain from unhealthy diets and must avoid all sources of food that kill the soul. These warnings take on a heightened significance especially in these last days when the religious air we breathe is thick with toxic fumes of soul-killing teachings. Everywhere you turn, pious impostors and sanctimonious phonies are wreaking havoc on the eternal destiny of many by the erroneous messages they preach. Shunning a God-centered gos


By Akin Ojumu The Holy Spirit is not an enigma, or an impersonal force or influence. He is not a power generator that you switch on whenever you want to put on a spectacular display of your “anointing” for your audience. The person of the Holy Spirit is not an external power source you connect to in order to be energized for some action. The Holy Spirit is not a “thing” you tap into for transcendental experience. The Holy Spirit is not a power transformer for self-actualization or self-realization. He is not an inner energy or chi to be activated to achieve full potential.  The Holy Spirit is not a genie you ’ve locked up tight in a bottle to be released when you want your greedy wishes to be granted.  The Ruach of God does not possess you and makes you lose your mind. He doesn’t take control of you and causes you to lose control of yourself. The Holy Spirit will not knock you to the ground in the name of being slain in the anointing. The Spirit of God is not a weapon of mass destruct


True Gospel Is About: Telling man that there’s nothing good about him Letting man know his real self is wretched through and through, debauched all around, and evil continually. Reminding him that his sinful nature is constantly at war with God Warning man the only escape from God’s judgment and wrath to come is to run to Jesus, begging for mercy Telling man that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord God sending his only begotten Son to take upon Himself the punishment that is due for man’s iniquities Exhorting man to deny himself, nail the flesh to the cross, and die to self Pointing man to Jesus Christ, the Savior of our soul True Gospel Is Not About: Motivational speech to assuage man’s self-esteem Pumping up man’s ego by telling him he is a giant on the inside ready to be discovered Encouraging man to take charge and take control of his life Teaching man how to use God to achieve his dream. Serving men platitudes to tickle thei


By Akin Ojumu Good or bad, safe or deadly, music is powerful. Music has a way of melting the soul and stripping away all judgements. A good song can make you laugh or cause you to shed tears. It is a powerful hallucinogen that can deaden the senses and make you want to fly high. Just like alcohol, music can cause people to do what they wouldn't ordinarily do were they in control of their senses. Music can catapult you to emotional heights where you momentarily forget all your sorrows. Melodious songs have a way of penetrating deep into the soul, driving down deep into the mind, and enveloping the spirit in an intoxicating rapturous cloud. Whenever you are listening to nice music, endorphins gush out and your brain is suffused with the “happy hormones.” Because of the happy feeling it creates in your brain, you find yourself not wanting the song to end. So, you end up playing it over and over again, the same way an addict craves his fix and keeps going back for more. And the longer


By Akin Ojumu Christianity is under persistent Satanic onslaught. This assault comes in diverse ways, from different directions, and on several fronts. One of Satan ’ s most successful strategies in this raging war has been the misinterpretation of Scripture that’s so commonplace in the Body of Christ. Satanic forces have achieved great feats in this internecine war by firing their weapons of mass spiritual destruction at the very foundation of our Belief and by corrupting the lifeblood of our faith. Some of the products of the erroneous interpretation of Scripture are the false doctrines, erroneous beliefs, and heretic customs and practices that have become so widespread in the Church. In this commentary, I’m going to focus on just one of the several passages of Scripture that has been erroneously interpreted. And I'm referring to Proverbs 29:18. “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” There are those who interpret Proverbs 29:18 to suggest that the passage is talking abo


By Akin Ojumu “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven…And everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish (stupid) man who built his house on the sand.” (Matthew 7:21-27). In conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus warned about two categories of self-deception. First, the mere verbal profession of faith (Matthew 7:21-23), and the empty intellectual acknowledgment of faith (Matthew 7:26-27). There are many who live under the delusion that just because at some point in their lives, during a Church program, they repeated some words about accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, that they truly are born again. Matthew 7:21-27 describes that as easy believism and cheapening the grace of God. This passage of Scripture is a warning to many who think they are saved because they check the boxes that men have established as the true measure of salv


By Akin Ojumu The average Christian is chronically afflicted with a gnawing disease of unappeasable dissatisfaction. Even though they won ’ t admit this, countless number of Christians have a persistently nagging feeling of inadequacy in the pit of their stomach. It is the fear that they don’t have all the spiritual resources they need to walk uprightly before God. For some inexplicable reasons, they’ve succumbed to the lie that they are lacking the critical spiritual ingredients necessary to live the Christian faith to the fullest. Despite God ’ s assurance that we have everything we need to live right, many Christians struggle to take God at His Word. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3). This lingering feeling of inadequacy of available spiritual tools drives many Christians to great lengths in pursuit of other things such as strange experiences and ecstatic phenomena


By Akin Ojumu “THE PRAYER KIT IS A SACRED AND SECRET WEAPON IN THE ARSENAL OF THE BELIEVER!” “This Prayer Kit has been saturated and preserved in a consecrated place with the intent of releasing divine healing, deliverance, breakthroughs, and restoration to every person that receives it. The harvest on this invaluable love gift will bless you and your household for generations to come!” “***The 5AM Prayer T-Shirt – (Optional) – The 5AM Prayer is also a gift of connection to use during your time of prayer privately and/or to wear during 5AM prayer with Dr. Bynum.” Those are direct quotes from Juanita Bynum’s website. On there, you are likely to find all sorts of items which she calls “spiritual” products. The powerful anointed minister has soaked all these products into a divine anointing pool. Because she has laid hands on them, they have become sacred and secret weapons you can add to your arsenal of warfare. Prophetess Juanita Bynum wants you to come and purchase these amulets and ta


By Akin Ojumu In 2 Corinthians 11:23-24, Apostle Paul narrated the harrowing experience of being flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten three times with the Roman’s rod, and once he was pummeled with rocks. The Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, called the scourging, was originally instituted by Moses in Deuteronomy 25:1-3. The scourge (Latin: flagrum or flagellum) is a whip or lash, especially a multi-thong type, used to inflict severe corporal punishment. It is usually made of leather laden with metal balls, bones, and metal spikes affixed to multiple thongs to give a flesh-tearing bite. Whenever you read 2 Corinthians 11:23-24, it’s always a good practice to stop and engage your mind in a mental exercise. Try and imagine what it’s like to be beaten with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes. First, imagine the searing pain as the whip lashes land on the bareback and the tearing sound of flesh being ripped off the skin as the whip is pulled.  Then, I want you to visualize the imm


Many go about life as though they’ve got time in their back pockets and are in control of forever. They fervently, but ignorantly, believe they are in control of when they go, and where they go, after this life. There are even some who think this is all there is of human existence. These are the fools to whom the Bible refers as “of all men the most miserable,” who see the present life as the final and terminal abode of all mankind. “For it is appointed unto man once to die, after death comes certain judgement.” (Hebrew 9:27). Friend, don’t be fooled. One way or another, we are all going to live forever. Now, it is in your hand to determine where your forever home will be. Is it going to be forever in hell or forever in glory? All you’ve got is now to make it right with God. This is the only opportunity you have to set yourself up for eternity. You are never going to get another chance, once you close your eyes for the very last time. The way you die is the way you stay; there’s no pur


You need to realize that God did not send His only begotten Son to the world to fulfill the selfish desires of your unregenerate heart. Jesus Christ did not endure suffering to make you stinkingly rich in worldly goods. Our Lord and Savior did not subject Himself to a cruel and shameful death on Calvary just so you can be successful in your earthly endeavors and live a good life. John 3:16-21 tells us exactly the reason why the Messiah had to die. It is simply so that you don’ t end up spending eternity in hell. He died so that your soul is not eternally doomed . Enough already of allowing yourself to get conned by Gospel Hucksters. These people are snake-oil salesmen full of trickery and adept at craftiness in deceitful scheming. They are peddlers of a bill of goods looking to enrich themselves at the expense of your precious soul.


There is a counterfeited and corrupted Church near you. If you look carefully and wisely, it might even be your place of worship. You wouldn’t know it, though, if you don’t pick up your Bible, dust it up, and study the Book to learn what it says.








According to Bishop Oyedepo: “The End Time Church will be in command of the economy of the world….the End Time Church will be in practical command of the global economy.” If indeed this is God’s divine agenda, as the man of God claims, here are the questions I would really love for our dear Bishop to me help answer so that me too can begin to enjoy this mouthwatering prospects of me having a corner office, the size of a football field, with great view on the topmost floor of one of the tallest skyscrapers on Wall Street: 1. Where exactly is this written in the Scripture…chapter and verse, puuleeze!!!??? 2. At what point in God’ s agenda for the End Times are we to expect this well-deserved, what-on-earth-is-this aka manna-from-heaven, hostile takeover to occur? 3. Where does this fantastical turn of event fit within guaranteed tribulations, persecutions, and perilous times that the Bible says await the people of God at the End Times? 4. Could this be part of the iniquities that will ab


By Akin Ojumu I better say this from the get-go. Like every other commentary I have written on my Christian faith, nothing you are about to read here is original. I did not receive any deep revelations from my dreams. God did not walk into my bedroom while I was praying to tell me any of these things in person. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not appear to me in flashing bright white lights to reveal these words. The Holy Spirit did not show up to hand me a scroll containing any of these things. Unlike certain others who have amassed millions of frequent flyer miles flying back and forth from heaven, I wasn’t caught up into the third heavens to receive any of these things. What you are about to read was put together by me doing what I always do. And that is, I methodically, meticulously, painstakingly, and prayerfully incline my ears and heart to the voice of God by applying myself to the study of the written Word of God, i.e., Scripture, trusting that by applying myself, God, through the Ho