By Akin Ojumu Of the many foibles that beset mankind none has some of us in their addictive clutches, none is our Achilles heels. By the grace of Almighty God, we are not dipsomaniacs, nicotine has never touched our tongues or reached our lungs, gluttons we are not, and philogyny is not encoded in our DNA. But being the mere mortals that we are, our inadequacies are as many as the stars in the skies, and our blemishes are like the sand on the seashore. Like a light house that can be seen from a far distance, our imperfections are glaring for all to see. While we have been able to escape the clutches of alcohol, nicotine, gluttony, and womanizing, scholarly argument is a vice that has got our number pretty good, and a non-conforming mind is the bane of our existence. For those of us who are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, a predilection for cerebral dialogue poses a unique set of improbable challenges. A reasonable person would think our slow-wittedness should discou...