
Showing posts from March, 2021


By Akin Ojumu The Satan Shoes hit the market yesterday, Monday, March 29, 2021, with only 666 pairs made available for sale. Despite an eye-popping sticker price of $1,018 per pair, the entire 666 pairs were all immediately sold out within a few short minutes after being on the market. With a design modeled after the Nike’s trademark Air Max 97 design, the Satan Shoes are said to contain a drop of human blood in the sole. They are decorated with a pentagram and a reference to Luke 10:18, a Bible verse that says, “…I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven…,”and the shoe box has ghoulish figures emblazoned both on the inside and outside of the box. As to be expected, the release of the Satan Shoes has triggered the righteously indignant bedfellows. Like hungry dogs thrown a bone, the culture warriors and the professional victims are all out, pitchfork in hand, tripping over themselves trying to outduel one another in how high a hell each person can raise against such profound effront...


  VERSE 1: O Lord my God When I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds  Thy hands have made I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed REFRAIN: Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art  How great Thou art Then sings my soul  My Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art REFRAIN: Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art  How great Thou art Then sings my soul my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art! VERSE 3: And when I think  That God His Son not sparing Sent Him to die  I scarce can take it in That on the Cross My burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin REFRAIN: Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art Then sings my soul My Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art How great Thou art VERSE 4: When Christ shall come With shout of acclamation And take me home What joy shall fil...


  And Billy and all the house of Aruntola played before the LORD on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals. And Billy danced before the LORD with all his might; and Billy was girded with a linen ephod. So, Billy and all the house of Aruntola brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.


Good morning to you all, My family joyously join this noble dynasty to welcome ourselves & wish ourselves the very best for individuals & the group. We shall grow more in Godly wisdom, integrity, selfless altitudes. We shall be more comfortable to willfully participate in our social responsibilities towards the collective and uphold the dignity of the dynasty. We will continue to receive good news from one another. Together we shall fight crises to God’s glory & our benefit. Amen & Amen & Amen. Sincerely, Reverend Billy Adewale & Family January 1, 2021


The Reverend Billy Ademola Adewale The Billy Rose The Ever-Bubbly Billy The Charismatic Billy The DonBiukky The DonBiola The DonBiobola You were amiable You were amicable You were impeccable  You were unflappable Our darling, Egbon Our loveable, Egbon Our exceptional, Egbon Our God loving, Egbon We are stumped We are numbed We are in shock We are in an emotional hemlock But we know it’s going to be alright We know you are dancing with the Angels now Paint the Heavens red, Billy Light up the Heavenly, Billy So long, Egbon! Reverend Billy Adewale April 12, 1954 - March 24, 2021


Oh no LORD, no not again We are still reeling from our present pain How much of this can this family really take? Before we are crushed and finally break LORD, you are Sovereign and forever remain Whatever you bring our way we won’t complain But we were just hoping you’ll tell us why This ominous cloud has once again darkened our family’s sky None of us lay any claim to being perfect or a saint It’s only by your mercy and grace that we have restraint We just want to know why we are buffeted with this much sorrow This pain that pierces our soul and cuts deep into our marrow


It takes a heart seared hot with iron to condemn and ridicule someone for showing compassion to the poor, wretched displaced immigrants who flood the US border in search of a safe harbor away from war, violence, poverty and misery of the homes they fled, walking thousands of miles on foot through treacherous territories. Any man who does must be an especially cruel, coldhearted fellow born with a heart of stone.  Senator John Cornyn, in his early morning tweets lambasting Joe Biden for his administration's humane treatment of immigrants, has shown there's a huge hole where his heart should have been. He is a cruel man who has traded his humanity for ephemeral political power.


  Heavenly Father We cry out to you at this hour From the depth of our hearts As our faith weakens and hope flounders Come and do it again.  LORD, we have nowhere else to go.  We have no one else to turn.  You are our only hope You are our sure foundation Come and do it again


RESPONSUM OF THE CONGREGATION FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH TO A DUBIUM REGARDING THE BLESSING OF THE UNIONS OF PERSONS OF THE SAME SEX To the Question Proposed: Does the Church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex? Response: Negative. Explanatory Note In some ecclesial contexts, plans and proposals for blessings of unions of persons of the same sex are being advanced. Such projects are not infrequently motivated by a sincere desire to welcome and accompany homosexual persons, to whom are proposed paths of growth in faith, “so that those who manifest a homosexual orientation can receive the assistance they need to understand and fully carry out God’s will in their lives”. On such paths, listening to the word of God, prayer, participation in ecclesial liturgical actions and the exercise of charity can play an important role in sustaining the commitment to read one's own history and to adhere with freedom and responsibility to one's baptismal c...


The COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding economic crisis have undermined the health and economic wellbeing of American workers. Millions of Americans, many of whom are people of color, immigrants, and low-wage workers, continue to put their lives on the line every day to keep the country functioning through the pandemic. And more than 9.5 million workers have lost their jobs in the wake of COVID-19, with 4 million out of work for half a year or longer. Without additional government assistance, the economic and public health crises could drag on and our national vaccination program will be hobbled at a critical moment.  The American Rescue Plan will change the course of the pandemic and deliver immediate relief for American workers. The plan will build a bridge to an equitable economic recovery and immediately reduce child poverty. In fact, a Columbia University study found that passing the plan will lift more than 5 million children out of poverty this year, cutting the poverty ...


By Akin Ojumu When Donald Trump and the Republicans passed their $1.9 trillion Tax Cut and Jobs Act back in 2017, the rich and powerful in the land popped the champaign and the high and mighty gave a toast to the god of lasciviousness. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act was an audacious giveaway to big businesses, major corporations, and the masters of the universe that own them. The law was windfall for those who already were living in excess and have got a whole lot more than they ever needed. The rest of us were left with crumbs that fell from the tables of the slave masters. Trump and his fellow Republicans signed into law a trickle-down tax plan that tilted the playing field in favor of the affluent and opulent. Fast forward 4 years, an election came that swept away Trump and his fellow Republicans from power, ushered in a new dispensation of Joe Biden and the Democrats, and a different vision for the nation. Oh boy! What a difference in philosophy and ideology. It is a profound contrast be...


In an ad aired by the Ad Council on March 11 to promote the COVID-19 vaccination, former POTUSs, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, and their respective FLOTUSs, urged the American public to get vaccinated when eligible in order for the nation to return to normal. Guess which POTUS-FLOTUS pair is notably absent?


Uh-oh!  Guess what day it is! Guess what day it is!  Huh...anybody? Shanon! Hey...guess what day it is! Ah come on, I know you can hear me. Joe Joe Joe…Joe what day is it Joe? Ha ha!  Mary, guess what today is? C’mon people! It's the Ides of March!!! It’s the KD Day...King Donald’s Day!!! It is the day Donald Trump will triumphantly march down Pennsylvania Avenue surrounded by his OATH KEEPERS and SUCKERS!  He will take over the White House from Sleepy Joe. And Make America Unboring Again. Whoot! Whoot!! Whoot!!! Chris, how happy are QANON folks who will see their savior and king crowned the 19th POTUS today? Charlie, I'd say happier than a PROUD BOY on a crazy day. It is going to be B.A.D. It is going to be M.A.D.  People are going get pretty S.A.D. INAUGURATION DAAAAAY, BABY!!!! YAY! The DC hotels are fully booked!!!! The detention centers are getting prepped!!! Get your tickets!!! Get conned!!!!


Although addressing the COVID-19 pandemic has been front and center for NIH over the past year, we have not forgotten another significant challenge confronting the health of our nation – systemic and structural racism. The events of 2020 highlighted the reality of our nation’s racial injustices that have been allowed to endure over four centuries and that significantly disadvantage the lives of so many. The time for upholding our values and taking an active stance against racism, in all its insidious forms, is long overdue. As a science agency, we know that bringing diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and skillsets to complex scientific problems enhances scientific productivity. NIH has long supported programs to improve the diversity of the scientific workforce with the goal of harnessing the complete intellectual capital of the nation. These efforts, however, have not been sufficient. To those individuals in the biomedical research enterprise who have endured disadvantages due to stru...