“Nigeria Churches are Places Where Faith Goes to Die” By Akin Ojumu Appointments of people to spiritual positions in Nigerian Churches are based on, among other flimsy things, how long the person has been attending Church, how consistent they are in paying tithes, and the sheer size of the offering they give every Sunday. Very often, Churches ordain individuals to pastoral offices because of their eloquence of speech and the gift of gab. Churches in Nigeria flippantly elevate people to pastoral positions without giving much thought to the qualifications of pastors established in Scripture. Even Churches that give cursory consideration to some of the requirements stipulated in Titus 1:5-8 and 1 Timothy 3:1-13 for the appointment of Church leaders, those also tend to completely ignore Titus 1:9 and 1 Timothy 3:2 both of which require fidelity to the Word of God and fealty to sound doctrine as important prerequisite for becoming a shepherd of God’s flock. “He must hold firm to the trustw