

By Akin Ojumu If there’s a Bible verse that nearly all Christians know by heart, it is John 3:16. This Bible text is seared in the hearts of even the most Biblically-illiterate believer. JOHN 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” To the extent that we can point to a single Bible verse that serves as the mission statement of the life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, John 3:16 is that verse. This Bible verse encapsulates the very essence of the Gospel message. Clearly and succinctly, John 3:16 tells us why the Son of God put on immortality and took on the form of an ordinary man. We understand, from this Bible verse, that the reason for the coming of the Messiah is so that the soul of sinful men is not eternally doomed. This verse tells us that the Lamb of God subjected Himself to suffering and death on the Cross to save those who would believe in Him from


“Abel Damina Believes the Lord’s Supper is Not Important” By Akin Ojumu While it’s true that there are many things wrong with social media, there’s at least one good thing this modern technology for social interaction has done for the Body of Christ. Because of social media, the dark underbelly of the Church Industrial Complex, i.e., the Empires of Grifts and Grafts, have been exposed to reveal the rotten carcasses inside. Social media has ripped apart, from top to bottom, the malevolent curtain of obfuscation that charlatans of all shapes and sizes have, for decades, use to hide their mendacious manipulation tactics from their gullible victims. Because of social media, vileness and hideousness of false teachers have been laid bare and revealed for what they truly are, a dung heap of vain things. Credit social media for my getting to know about Abel Damina and the clear and present danger he poses to the faith of many. It was during one of my forays into the jungle of social media that


“Do it in His Remembrance” By Akin Ojumu “Please, how does the Holy Communion help a believer? When I take it, what should I expect? After I eat the bread and wine, what next? ” Those were the questions posed to me a couple of days ago. What prompted the questions was my comment on a video posted on Abel Damina’s YouTube channel. The said video was on a message preached by Abel Damina where he dismissively told his audience that the Lord’s Supper is of no value to them. According to him, if the Lord’s Supper were that important, how come Paul talked about it only in his letter to the Corinthians but never once mentioned it in the letters he wrote to the other Churches. Before going into the nitty gritty of what I wrote in response to Abel Damina’s belittling of the Lord’s Supper, let me first share with you my response to the questions prompted by my comments. Asking how the Holy Communion helps the Christian is not the right question you should be asking. Instead, a better question to


By Akin Ojumu As someone totally committed to the fidelity of Scripture, I find it difficult to avert my gaze whenever I see a preacher wreak havoc to the Gospel. I don’t know about you, but for me, turning a blind eye on the violation of the sanctity of the Word of God is an impossible posture for me to assume.  Even when I try to ignore the nonsensical gibberish being spewed from the pulpits, my heart burns with the fire of indignation. All my attempts at burying my head in the “see no evil, hear no evil” sand of indifference and aloofness always prove abortive. So, you’ll understand how I felt when I heard Abel do violence to 2 Corinthians 5:16. “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.” Interpreting this verse, Abel Damina makes the following profoundly outrageous assertion: “What does he mean to know Christ after the flesh? Paul never saw Jesus in the flesh because even the church


By Akin Ojumu If you really want to know what a man truly believes, pay attention to what they say in their unguarded moments. It’s those ill-considered, spur-of-the-moment, offhand comments that reveal the thoughts and intents of the heart of man.  At last Friday night Holy Ghost Service, Pastor Adeboye tried to clarify the comments he made the previous day when it sounded as though he was apologizing for condemning non-tithers to hell fire. Daddy GO made it abundantly clear that he was sorry for nothing, pretty much. His mistake, he told the crowd, was the fact that he limited them to a mere 10%. While doing his rebuttal and retraction, or whatever, Pastor Adeboye proceeded to make the following remarks: “If you trade with God, you will not suffer a loss.” I know that to the masses of people who worship Pastor Adeboye, these remarks may sound innocuous and a nothing burger. In the ears of many of his admirers who will hear it, there’s no there there in this comment. Nothing in these


By Akin Ojumu At a time when it seems the mushroom cloud from the tithing brouhaha nuclear explosion is settling down in Nigeria, Baba Enoch Adeboye is reluctant to let the sleeping dogs lie for reasons he is yet to disclose. With no apparent prompting or provocation, the old man has decided to stir the hornet’s nest. As a keynote speaker at the plenary session held on Day 4 of the ongoing International Youth Conference of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the General Overseer of the Church addressed the gathering of young people about dominion. Using Matthew 11:12 as the anchor text, Pastor Adeboye taught the crowd strategies on how to dominate and take charge. In order for them to dominate and be in charge, they must learn to praise God violently, win souls violently, and pray violently. In addition to the above three things that they must do in order for them to dominate, Pastor Adeboye also spoke of a fourth strategy. If they ever want to dominate, they must learn to give viole


2 Peter 2:3 “In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.” Titus 1:10-11 “For there are many who are…empty talkers and deceivers...They must be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.” Never ever entrust your soul to a conniving grifter. He is nothing but a window sneaking thief out to steal, kill, and destroy your soul.


“Jerry Eze, the Water Walker” By Akin Ojumu Wolves in sheep’s clothing don’t want you studying the Bible. Their mission is to keep you stupid. In their greed, these false teachers exploit your ignorance. Because those who do not know what the Bible actually says are the easiest to manipulate by those who twist and misuse it, charlatans would prefer you remain perpetually naïve of the truth of Scripture. One of the ways erroneous preachers twist and misuse Scripture is by interpreting it in a way that makes you the hero of the story. In their presentation of the Gospel, man, not God, is the superstar. They exalt man to god-status and reduce God to man-status. Cynically, they take every Bible passage and make it all about themselves and their worldly desires. They turn the Word of God into magic words that people speak to get the Genie out of the bottle to grant their wishes.  There’s no piece of Scripture that is sacrosanct to false teachers. Bible texts that speak of spiritual healing


“Truly You Are the Son of God” By Akin Ojumu Enough ink has been spilled to turn the ocean black in the retelling of the extraordinary story of Jesus walking on water. If you’ve attended Church long enough, you’ve probably heard one or two preachers sermonize on Peter walking on water ad nauseam, ad infinitum. This captivating account of the demonstration of the supernatural power of God over nature has been so mangled, preachers of all shapes and sizes have turned it into lyrical tunes with which they serenade self-absorbed audiences with ear-tickling melody of self-glory that satisfies fleshly cravings and satiates carnal desires. In nearly all the instances that I have heard this story preached, the fixation of the preachers has always been on Peter. Blinded by their fascination with an ordinary man walking on water, they are unable to see the huge forest for the trees. Because of their narcissistic tunnel vision, they completely missed the point of the phenomenal story. Jesus walki


“Scripture Is Not Subject to Private Interpretation” By Akin Ojumu Righteousness, like a tender flower, flourishes when the soul is planted by the streams of the water of God’s Word. Fidelity to the purity of the truth of the Gospel is the manure that fertilizes the soil of spiritual maturity. A daily diet fortified with essential minerals of sound doctrine makes the mind whole and the body healthy.  Theological error corrupts and absolute doctrinal error corrupts absolutely. Profane babbles, vain blathers, and godless chatters will only lead people into more and more ungodliness. The soul of those who feed on erroneous teachings will progressively wither. “But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation.” (2 Peter 1:20). For us to accurately and correctly interpret Scripture, we must DRAW OUT from the Bible texts and not READ INTO them. Drawing out from Bible texts is what’s called exegesis. This means the interpreter is guided to h