

“Calleth Those Things Which Be Not As Though They Were” By Akin Ojumu In the impulsive, inattentive, and restless world that we live in, everyone is looking for shortcuts. Our collective propensity for instant gratification and immediate reward causes us to pursue alternative means to avoid challenges, circumvent obstacles, and outflank difficulties. Because patience and waiting are considered antiquated, we always find ways to get or do things in a hurry.  Fast food, fast shopping, and fast delivery are rapidly evolving modern trends. The good old days of physically going to the stores to buy your stuff are long gone. There’s an app for just about everything you need these days. And at the blink of an eye, it’s right there on your doorsteps. It’s this same mindset of shortcuts that’s behind the positive thinking and positive confession motif. Impatient to wait for the will and the purposes of God to unfold in their lives, adherents of positive thinking and positive confession take...


“Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue” By Akin Ojumu Let me stress that this commentary series is in no way an attempt to diminish or dismiss the importance of words. It’s not in any way denying that words are powerful. On the contrary, I firmly believe that the words we speak carry significant potency, and they do have life-altering efficacy.  It may interest you to note that of all God’s creation, only humans have the ability to communicate through spoken word. The ability to speak words is a unique and powerful gift from God to humanity (Ref: Got Questions). When the Bible talks about man being created in God’s image, the ability to communicate in words is one of those attributes of God that He has conferred on man. What this commentary sets out to accomplish is to refute the idea that words have creative power. This write-up is a rebuttal of the claims by the false teachers of the Word Faith Movement that your words are determinative i.e., they determine everything tha...


By Akin Ojumu Imagine me arriving at work this morning only to learn that we lost another one of our remaining contract staff. It seems as though there’s no week that passes these days without hearing the news of a staff member gone. The atmosphere over here is reminiscent of the mayhem, destruction, and devastation left behind by a passing category 5 hurricane. This particular individual who just lost his job is an infectious disease physician with decades of experience that’s impossible to replace by an executive fiat. Having worked for the US Government as a Uniformed Services personnel member in the HIV vaccine research field for most of his career, Dr D. retired a few years ago. But because of his passion for the science and commitment to people living with HIV, he soon returned as a contract staff to continue the search for an HIV cure.  Unfortunately, he has now lost his contract position having been caught up in the whirlwind of the chaos and confusion brought on the nation...


“As a Man Thinketh in His Heart, So is He” By Akin Ojumu Peddlers of the positive thinking and positive confession myth instinctively understand their false belief system rests on creaky theological legs. Deep down, they know there’s no biblical basis for what they believe and teach. That, however, does not prevent them from pushing their demon-spurned ideology on the Church, anyway. As with the rest of their false belief systems, the adherents of positive thinking and positive confessions platform their false doctrine on the crooked planks of distorted Scriptures. When challenged to provide a text in Scripture that supports the positive thinking and positive confession doctrine, they are quick to point to the following Bible texts: Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Romans 4:17 “I have made you the father of many nations” – in the presence of the God in wh...


“Godless Mind Games” By Akin Ojumu When you trace its historical origin, you’d find that the positive thinking and positive confession concept leads back to a metaphysical healing cult known as the New Thought Movement. The essential elements of the New Thought Movement are based on mesmerism.  Named after its originator, Franz Anton Mesmer, a 16th century German physician, mesmerism, which is the precursor of hypnotism, is the process of natural energy transference occurring between all animate and inanimate objects. Franz Mesmer termed this energy transference, “animal magnetism.” He incorporated the principles of mesmerism to his medical practice. Mesmerism finds its way into Christianity through the work of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, a clockmaker from Portland, Maine. Quimby’s foray into the mind-body metaphysical arena followed his bout with tuberculosis. Frustrated with the inadequacy of medical remedy to cure his illness, Quimby started ruminating about the nature of illness ...


By Akin Ojumu It’s often the case that those who have the courage to call out the shenanigans that now permeate the entire Christendom are tagged with the rebel label. The moment you dare raise your voice to call attention to the various tomfooleries embraced by church folks as standard Christian practices, you are condemned as a hyper-critic who is either an unbeliever bound for hell or a backslidden Christian who has lost his way due to unbelief. Well, here again is another evidence that illustrates the ridiculousness that has taken hold in the Body of Christ. This video clip demonstrates the ease with which Gospel hucksters make merchandise of Believers despite ample warnings in the Bible calling us to watch out and be on our guard for extortionists and profiteers who rise up from within our ranks. Acts 20:29-31 “I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw...


This short video clip is one of my favorite parts of the American Gospel movie.  Using the David and Goliath story, the video clip aptly and poignantly illustrates how preachers and lay Christians alike misinterpret Bible texts and Bible stories by making them all about their personal problems, personal situations, and personal issues.  Such a flawed way of interpreting Scripture is what’s known as NARCIGESIS. It’s a term coined from Narcissism (i.e., grandiose sense of self-importance) and Eisegesis (i.e., reading our opinions and ideas into Bible texts). Narcissism, therefore, is when we read ourselves into Bible stories and make ourselves the heroes of the stories. Again, if you haven’t watched the American Gospel movie, I encourage you to do so. It’ll radically transform the way you view the Gospel and what God has accomplished on your behalf through the vicarious death of His only begotten Son.


By Akin Ojumu Before proceeding with the commentary series on Positive Thinking and Positive Confession, it’s important we take a slight detour to address a comment left by one of my readers on a commentary I published back in June 2023 titled, “God’s Generals Demystified (Part II).” This was an expose on the secret life and deceptive schemes of Kathryn Kuhlmann, the queen of the Charismatic Movement.  The reason I decided to share the comment, and my response, is because I believe it’s a teachable moment for all of us. Sadly, many of you reading this commentary subscribe to the commenter’s point of view. But it’s an unbiblical and deadly mindset that you all need to do away with, forthwith. In all CAPS, the reader, WISDOM IS PROFITABLE, writes, “BE CAREFUL HOW U TALK ABOUT MINISTERS OF GOD. IF THEY HAVE ANYTHING, LET THEM SETTLE WITH GOD HIMSELF. IF WHAT U’RE SAYING IS TRUE, THEN WHAT? U NEITHER HAVE ANYTHING TO LOOSE [sic] OR GAIN, BUT IF YOU ARE WRONG, U HAVE NOTHING TO GAIN. BU...


“Defining Positive Thinking and Positive Confession” By Akin Ojumu Pastors wear many hats. Their duties and responsibilities are wide ranging. In fact, a pastor who can’t multitask, is a pastor clueless about what the duties of a pastoral ministry ask. God’s shepherds oversee the diverse problems of a diverse people with diverse personalities. Thus, the pastor must be able to adapt to diverse responsibilities. Very often, pastors serve as grief and marriage counselors. They are crisis managers and problem solvers. Many serve as mentors and life coaches. Pastors are first responders and healthcare providers tending to the physical health of their flock. It’s not unusual for pastors to assume the role of administrators, financial advisors, and estate planners. By far, though, the most important duty of pastors is the spiritual development of the congregation. As overseers, they are to teach, preach, pray, and care for the spiritual well-being of the congregation. Through their exemplary ...


By Akin Ojumu Contrary to what some modern-day preachers would like you to believe, the knowledge of God is not a hidden secret known only to a select few. Scripture is God’s gift to the Church. In it, God reveals Himself to us. Everything we need to know about God is revealed in His Word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” God’s Word is also our spiritual sustenance. Within it are the spiritual nutrients we need to mature in the faith. As we study and understand God’s Word, we are purified and separated unto Him. 1 Peter 2:2 “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” Seeing how important Scripture is to our spiritual well-being, it’s incumbent on the Believer to study it properly and understand it correctly. To derive the benefits from Scripture, we...