By Akin Ojumu "Once saved is always saved" is the idea that the moment someone accepts Jesus Christ into their life as their Lord and Savior they are saved and are forever saved no matter what they do or how they live from that moment on. It is a concept that is also described as eternal security or eternal salvation. The subject of this contemplation is to probe whether or not this concept of eternal security is Biblical. This is a response to a question about this topic on which a friend asked that I share my thoughts. To begin with, the question of the doctrinal soundness of “once saved always saved” cannot be answered without first understanding the role that God plays in the salvation of the Believer and the role the individual plays in their own salvation. As this subject relates to the matter of sanctification (i.e. the spiritual growth or spiritual progress) of a Christian, the question must first be asked: “In my sanctification, is it me or is it God? Does what I do ...