By Akin Ojumu For someone with no formal education and who never saw the four walls of a school classroom, my late Grandma, God bless her heart, was extremely witty and sharp as a tack. Her mental astuteness and keen intelligence were off the charts. In the most uncanny way possible, she seemed to always have a poignantly clarifying idiom that captured the zeitgeist of the moment and had a way of dropping it at the most auspicious times. Mama N’Idogun, as we fondly called her, was a walking talking compendium of indigenous sayings and an encyclopedia of native proverbs who liberally watered the fallow grounds of the mind of her offspring from the deep well of her folk wisdom turning us to lush gardens seeded with knowledge and understanding. Had she had the opportunity to receive a formal education, it is not hard to imagine she would have become an erudite scholar at one of Nigeria’s universities. Of the numerous sayings that flowed from my Grandma’s well of witt...