
Showing posts from January, 2023


By Akin Ojumu The growth and development of a child can be monitored very early in life, while still in the mother’s womb. Using the growth percentile chart, the size and growth pattern is mapped out to determine progress and to detect any deviation from the expected developmental milestone. A 5-year-old child, for instance, whose weight is at the 25th percentile is described as weighing more than 25 percent of children, but less than 75 percent, of children in the same age group. A developmental milestone is one of a series of objective markers placed along the growth pathway at regular intervals. These markers reassure caregivers and parents that the proper growth pattern is being followed. They, like the milestones on ancient highways, are useful guides to the health status of every child. Although every child grows and develops at his or her own pace, still, child development tends to follow a fairly predictable path. Which brings us to the question. How do you measure the growth o...


By Akin Ojumu All sorts of people today profess to be operating under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Purporting to be heavily anointed by God, they claim they have the mantle of apostles and prophets, and they carry themselves as though they are the fourth person of the Trinity. Highly esteemed by their followers, and supremely venerated by their admirers, these people are seen as oracles of God. Whenever they speak, God Himself has spoken. Whatever they say, it is divine. In fearful reverence, their disciples worship the very ground upon which they walk. So heavy is the presence of the Holy Spirit on them that there’s always a stampede whenever they get up from a seat, as miracle seekers rush to be the first to touch the empty chair in order to tap the residual anointing they might have shed while on the seat. Some of them have even gone as far as to seek anointing in the man of God ’ s poop. Yet, when you shine the light of truth on the life of this god in the flesh, all you see i...


By Akin Ojumu According to the Most Holy Father, Pope Francis, it depends on the circumstances. Last week, Pope Francis was interviewed by the Associated Press. In the interview, the Most Holy Father criticized the criminalization of homosexuality. Restating his own position on homosexuality, Pope Francis said, “It’s not a crime. Yes, but it’s a sin. Fine, but first let’s distinguish between a sin and a crime.” As you’d expect, a groundswell of angry reactions trailed the interview from both sides of the issue. While the LGBTQ community condemned Pope Francis’ comments as being judgmental, opponents of homosexuality pummeled the Holy Father for capitulating to the homosexual agenda. But in a neck breaking about-face, the Holy Father is now attempting to walk back those comments. Even before the mushroom cloud of the controversy settles, Pope Francis is doing a reversal. Flip-flopping like only the Supreme Father of the Holy See can, the man sitting on the Papal’s throne has now release...


There’s no charlatan without a gullible following. As long as people remain ignorant of the Truth of God, by choosing not to diligently study what the Bible says, they’ll continue to be led astray and into hell by false apostles, faux prophets, and fake teachers like this one that calls himself “Apostle” John Enumah.


By Akin Ojumu Chronic cyanide poisoning occurs when an individual is exposed to small amounts of the chemical over a prolonged period of time. The symptoms are gradual, increasing in intensity over time. The person may experience malaise, nausea, confusion, headache, difficulty breathing, seizure, loss of consciousness, and cardiac arrest. This is exactly what happens when someone is chronically exposed to Biblical error. A believer who consumes false teachings over a protracted period of time will soon experience malaise, confusion, apnea, seizure, loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest, and death in their Christian faith. Besides their subtlety and insidious nature, what makes false teachings and doctrinal errors particularly dangerous is the simple fact that they are toxic to the faith and deleterious to spiritual growth. Wherever there’s error, lawlessness abounds. Sexual scandals and financial malfeasance always follow false teachers. The tree of faith cannot grow in the soil of er...


By Akin Ojumu Living with hair loss is no fun and no one wants to be bald. Cover it up. That’s what I did when I started losing my hair. I wasn’t ready to lose my hair. And once I started growing bald, I was petrified because I never thought there was a real solution to grow it back. Guess what? Hope is in the hair. Kenneth Copeland offers a powerful hair loss solution that will blow the wig off your bald head. The anointed prophet of God has been to the human body parts warehouse in Heaven, and he has brought back an assorted collection of potent hair loss solutions. Look, those who say there’s no magic cure for baldness don’t know what they are talking about. They say that because they haven’t tried Kenneth Copeland’s supernatural hair loss line of products. If they did, they’d have known that the man of God has got the right solution for your baldness. By starting Kenneth Copeland hair loss solution, you regrow your lost hair back in a jiffy. You get your treatment in front of your ...


By Akin Ojumu Some of the most popular megachurch pastors in the world today belong to the cult of Oprah Winfrey. Several of these men and women who are supposed to be ministers of the Gospel have received enthusiastic endorsement from the prophetess of the religion of humanism herself.  Their version of the Gospel message, which is approved by Oprah Winfrey and promoted on her sprawling media empire, goes along these lines… “Calling people to repent is a ministry of condemnation. Most people know what they are doing is wrong. Christians aren’t supposed to beat people down by reminding them of their sins. It’s unkind to use the Gospel as a cudgel to knock sinners over the head for their sins. ” And in their opinion... “ Repentance is simply the changing of mind from thinking negatively to thinking positively, from depression to having a positive expectation of good. You don’t have to have a breast-beating shout, “Jesus! Jesus!” in order to repent.” And it doesn’t stop there… “There...


“The one who loves me is the one who keeps my commandments, and somebody who says he loves me and doesn’t keep my commandments is a liar.” (1 John 2:3-4). Don’t be a liar. Let the authenticity of your Christianity rests on the pillars of a lifestyle of obedience.


This is a public service announcement to help find the true identity of the real George Santos.  The man who calls himself George Santos is the newly sworn in Republican Congressman representing New York’s 3rd Congressional District on Long Island. This man/woman has also gone by the following aliases in the past: George Devolder Anthony Devolder Anthony Zabrovsky Drag Queen Kitara Ravache If you find his/her true identity, immediately contact 1-800-GOPPARTYOFLIARS


By Akin Ojumu “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is One!” (Deuteronomy 6:4). Fundamental to Christian orthodoxy is the existence of God in three persons. The three persons are each fully God. The Godhead is three distinct persons in one indivisible substance namely God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Conceptually, the human mind struggles to understand a God existing in three persons. Unable to explain it, many have attempted to minimize it. Some have even gone so far as to deny the Godhead altogether. These have resulted in all sorts of heresies, the earliest of which is Modalism. A modalist views God as one Person instead of three Persons and believes that the Father, Son, and Spirit are simply different modes or forms of the same divine Person. According to modalism, God can switch among three different manifestations (Source: Got Questions). These heretic views of the Trinity have led to the use of various analogies to make the Trinity understandable ...


By Akin Ojumu Peter Obi ’ s detractors say he is a stingy man. I ’ m forced to agree with them.  The man ’s  stinginess was on full display at the  Chatham House, London, on Monday where he fielded questions on why he wants to become the president of Nigeria and how he intends to lead the country should he win in next month ’ s presidential election . Very much unlike the Jagaban Emilokan Chicago Cartel with the teamship spirit who generously contracted out his questions to aides, Peter Obi refused to share the questions with anyone at the Chatham House press conference. He proceeded to answer them all by himself. So, who would you like to see become the next president of a terminally ill Federal Republic of Nigeria, a nation on life support in the Intensive Care Unit? The candidate who, in the spirit of “ good teamship ”  and in order to avoid embarrassment on the international stage, outsourced all the press conference questions to his coterie of aides? Or a c...


Kadosh! Kadosh!! Kadosh!!! Adonai Tz’vaot M’lo Khol Ha’aretz K’vodo Baruch K’vod Adonai Mim’komo Yimloch Adonai L'Olam Elohayich Tziyon L'dor Vador Hall'luyah Holy! Holy!! Holy!!! The Lord of Hosts, the entire world is filled with His Glory. Blessed is the Glory of the Lord in Its Place The Lord shall reign forever Your God, O Zion, from generation to generation Y’varech’cha Adonai v’yishm’recha yaer panav alecha vichuneka yisa Adonai panav alecha v’yaseml’cha shalom May the Lord bless and keep you May the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you And give you peace


“Count It All Joy, Brethren” By Akin Ojumu Contemporary preachers like to point to their ostentatious lifestyles as proof of their anointing and right standing with God.  To these men of God, owning a fleet of exotic automobiles and commanding a portfolio of palatial homes is the definition of success in ministry and evidence of God’s favor upon their lives. Because they possess so much of the material world, they expect respect, and oftentimes demand reverence, from those who are not as anointed, and thus not as blessed, as they are.  The concept of “glamor equals favor” is nothing original. The Scribes and the Pharisees believed the very same thing. In the tenets of the Jewish religious leaders, material wealth is an attestation of spiritual health. The more of this world you own, the more of God you are. God bestows prosperity and fortune upon the righteous, while poverty and misfortune follow them that are unrighteous.  To show their righteousness, as demonstrated by ...


“His Days Shall Be 120 Years” By Akin Ojumu Despite God’s grace and mercy to man in his fallen state, which have resulted in great advancement and progress in human civilization, dark clouds of wickedness filled the earth. Lawlessness had taken over man’s soul and every intention of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil continually. “Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. The Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord ” ”  (Genesis 6:5-8). Shortly after the fall, depravity became pervasive, and degeneracy shot to stratospheric heights. Soon, Cain would murder Abel, his brother, in a paroxysm of jealousy. T...


“Savage Wolves Speaking Twisted Things” By Akin Ojumu ““Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. “I know that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves men will arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them. “Therefore be on the alert, remembering… ” ” (Acts 20:28-31). “Watch out! Be on your guard! Be continually alert! Be vigilant! Stay awake!”  This was the theme of Paul’s farewell speech to the elders of the Church at Ephesus whom he had invited to meet with him at Miletus while on the last leg of his third and final missionary journey. Here was this spiritual juggernaut who, at the twilight of his ministry, was giving his beloved spiritual children his deathbed message, if you will. Out of all the many things he could have told them, he chose instead to war...


“For Me, To Live is Christ” By Akin Ojumu Whereas the Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27 that, “Inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment,” Duncan Williams says the Bible is absolutely wrong. According to the heavily anointed prophet with the potbelly, “Believers can choose to die on their own terms.” That’s right. “When you die is up to you and your own self-appointment,” declares the man of God. What this man is saying is absolutely ridiculous, unequivocally outrageous, and outrightly dangerous. This type of abuse of the Word of God, and careless disregard for the sanctity of Scriptures, could potentially get people killed, spiritually and even physically. You do not want to ever trifle with the Word of God. The Bible warns us that anyone who deliberately and habitually misuses the Word of God is accursed. First, it was Paul: “Let God’s curse fall on anyone, including us or even an angel from heaven, who preaches a different kind of Good News than the ...


“ When You Die Is Your Choice” By Akin Ojumu Profane and idle babbling has come to define the sermons contemporary pastors preach. Gushing out from the pulpits are torrents of irreverent and empty chatter that drown the audience in lies that lead to unrighteousness, submerge the listeners in deceit that stirs up sinfulness, and asphyxiate the hearers in dissimulation that produces ever increasing ungodliness.  It used to be that the man of God was extremely fearful of God. Gone are the days when those called by God went to extreme lengths and took great care not to ever mishandle the things of God. Not so with modern-day preachers. Nowadays, men of God equate themselves with God.  Many of them have said in their hearts, ‘We will ascend to heaven; we will raise our thrones above the stars of God, and we will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. We will ascend above the heights of the clouds; we will make ourselves like the Most High.’ Overcome with pr...