By Akin Ojumu

When it comes to biblical fidelity and theological purity, there are only a few preachers in Nigeria that have my respect. In fact, I can count on my fingers Nigerian preachers who I believe are qualified to be a shepherd over the flock of God if based solely on biblical standard. 

Pastor William F. Kumuyi is one of the few. While I do not agree with many of the doctrinal positions of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry, nonetheless, I respect the pastor for his authenticity and commitment to righteous living. Unlike the vast majority of preachers in Nigeria today, Pastor Kumuyi doesn’t come across to me as someone who sees the work of ministry as a means of gain. He is not in the business of building a temporal empire that his children would inherit. 

That preamble is necessitated by what I’m about to say. I want those who would read this to understand that this commentary is not penned out of any malicious intent. Pastor Kumuyi has not offended me, and I most definitely have no personal axe to grind with him. What I’m about to say is out of a genuine concern I have for the elderly man.

Having said all of that, I must confess that Pastor Kumuyi has not covered himself with glory by his recent actions. Some of the decisions he has made lately have raised questions in my mind about the soundness of his judgement as the leader of a reputable global Christian ministry. From one pile of hot mess to another, the man just seems determined to keep stepping in it. 

I don't know what’s going on with him, but it is evident to me that Pastor Kumuyi is being ill-served by those who are supposed to be his closest confidants. Some of the pastor’s recent escapades have exposed the man to be someone who is not particularly well informed about the world outside of Nigeria. He has shown a level of naivety about America, its people, its politics, and its brand of religion that I didn’t expect. 

If he were truly informed about the intricacies and nuances of politics in America, Pastor Kumuyi would never have allowed himself to be used as a prop to advance hatred and Christian nationalism in America. If he really understood the sordid reputation of certain American Christian ministers and their ministries, I don't believe he would have willingly surrendered himself to be turned into a pawn for them to exploit his reputation to promote an ungodly agenda. 

What prompted this latest commentary on Pastor Kumuyi is his recent appearance on Daystar TV where he was interviewed by Joni Lamb, the President of the TV network, and her paramour, Doug Weiss, a man who calls himself a sex doctor. 

What in God’s Name is Pastor Kumuyi doing on Daystar TV to sit for a photo-op with the Jezebel and Ahab of American Christianity? Doesn’t he know that Daystar TV is a crumbling business empire buckling under the weight of its corruption? 

Who thought it was a good idea for the preacher of holiness to go to Babylon to be interviewed by none other than the two people who are the faces of the scandalous soap opera that is currently roiling the American Christian TV circus? Is it that Pastor Kumuyi doesn’t know that Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss are conniving, manipulative, vindictive narcissists who would do anything, and who are doing everything, to hold on their multi-million dollar empire?

Does Pastor Kumuyi not know, or was he not advised ahead of time, that Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss are in an ungodly marital relationship? Was he not told that Doug Weiss divorced his wife without any biblical basis just so he can marry Joni Lamb? Didn’t somebody tell the Pastor that the poor woman that Doug Weiss dumped for Joni Lamb is now emotionally crushed and in mental anguish over the divorce? Is it that Pastor Kumuyi didn’t know that Doug Weiss, who is now married to Joni Lamb, was a close family friend to Joni Lamb and her late husband, Marcus Lamb?

Was Pastor Kumuyi not informed that Joni Lamb and Doug Weiss are currently embroiled in a nasty family feud with Joni Lamb’s only son, Jonathan Lamb, and his wife, Suzy Lamb? Is Pastor Kumuyi not aware that Joni Lamb kicked her son and his wife out of Daystar TV not only because the young couple would not endorse her marriage to Doug Weiss which they consider an illegitimate and unbiblical union, but also because Joni Lamb was accused by her son, Jonathan Lamb, and his wife, Suzy Lamb, of covering up sexual abuse against their 5-year-old daughter by another family member, named Pete?

Didn’t someone tell Pastor Kumuyi that Daystar is currently bleeding programs after months of the ongoing scandal at the influential Christian television network involving the alleged sexual abuse cover-up, spiritual abuse, and financial misconduct?

How is it that nobody informed Pastor Kumuyi that influential personalities like Joyce Meyer, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, Baruch Korman, arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis, prominent NAR false teachers Hank and Brenda Kunneman, NAR false prophet Lance Wallnau, and Jack Graham of Powerpoint Ministries have all parted ways with the TV network?

Is it that the Deeper Life Bible Church does not have a team of people who investigate and scrutinize every invitation that Pastor Kumuyi receives to make sure their Pastor does not honor any invitation that would result in him finding himself hobnobbing with unsavory characters and people of ill-repute?

It’s because of all of the above that I’m asking with genuine concern, “What the heck is going on with Pastor Kumuyi?”


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