By Akin Ojumu
Theological errors occur in degrees, some are more bent than others. All flawed doctrines are not made equal, there are some more egregious than others. In the annals of faulty theologies and erroneous doctrines, few compare to this one by Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.
For those who may not have heard about him, Emmanuel Makandiwa is a Zimbabwean televangelist, prophet, pastor, and businessman. He is the founder of the United Family International Church, a nondenominational megachurch network headquartered in Harare, Zimbabwe, and with branches in Botswana, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Australia and Zambia.
A few years ago, Makandiwa, who describes himself as “a man whom God has endowed with a unique ministry, a unique voice, a unique character,” decided he was going to reach into his deep well of uniqueness to do a teaching series on demons. To set the stage for the demon teaching, he pulled out a nugget of divine revelation from his wealth of divine knowledge.
The prophet told his audience this:
“There was the Kingdom of God on the earth even before Jesus came. Actually, Lucifer was sent by God, the father, God, the Son, and God, the Holy Spirit to come here and represent their love to the people. So, then it was, “For God so loved the world that he gave us Lucifer,” during that time. And he was given a mission to come down here and demonstrate the love of God to humanity.”
You heard that right. “For God so loved the world, that he gave us Lucifer.” The Triune God sent Lucifer to the world to represent their love to humanity. If that sounds crazy to you, you aren’t alone. It is beyond lunacy.
Now, you’d expect that a true Believer who fears God and who has a basic understanding of Scripture would be horrified by such a blasphemy, and you would think that if there are any true Believers in Makandiwa’s establishment, they’ll flee in droves. If you thought that, you don’t understand the power of manipulation and the influence of deception.
Here’s a sample of comments to the YouTube video where Makandiwa made those sacrilegious remarks.
@brendamabhundu: “Baba this is surely the deepest revelation of the past life. Thank you so much. For imparting such great wisdom upon us, thank you. Wow!!!”
@teereraimutawarira1262: “Thank you Jesus, for such a great Man of God!!! the revelation is just out of this world.”
@tumusiimeglobal: “Wisdom is spoken by you Sir. I receive this kind of wisdom Papa.”
@eroldsphiwe1963: “This man is the real man of God. I wish to meet him. He is speaking the word of life and spirit.”
@warabekigwe1911: “Very powerful.”
@maphatsoetanki4504: “Ai ai my father is too much, too deep, l love the God of my Father.”
@geofreykairosman2133: “Thanks my mentor.”
@addymawoyo5366: “Mind-blowing revelations.”
@cromwellmngadi7534: “You can never share this to the ignorant of the devices/scripture and Spirit. This is hard food.”
From these adulatory, celebratory and cheery responses to a flat-out blasphemous statement, you’d understand the tenor and intensity of my commentaries. Makandiwa’s remarks speak for themselves, loudly and clearly. This is not difficult stuff to figure out. Yet, we have Christians, supposedly, who are oohing and ahhing this nonsense.
If you have ever doubted that the vast majority of religious establishments that are called Churches today are centers of Satanic worship and the people there are apostates who have strayed away from God, here’s your proof.
And this is why I believe that victims of charlatans have themselves to blame. Whoever puts himself in the hands of a false teacher under the illusion of the promise of happy lies most definitely deserves what they get.
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