By Akin Ojumu

In a commentary titled “When I was Sick,” published today on his blog, Deji Yesufu spoke glowingly about two of his close friends who recently transitioned to glory after a bout with a terminal illness. In the essay, he recalled how one of them handled his impending demise with such confidence and grace. 

Deji then went on to lament the deception of the false doctrine of health and wealth. He spoke passionately about the unavoidable realities of living in the flesh in a fallen world. 

“Here is one fact of life we cannot avoid or wish away: as much as we love health, this body we live in is dying. If we are not sick today, one day we will be sick. Most people who do not die of accidents or are not murdered will almost certainly die of one illness or the other. The stupidest theology, mindset, or worldview is a thinking that one can never be sick; or, that one could have divine health; or, that one could pray away illness. Illness is a reality of life. Both the wicked and the righteous will fall ill. Both the wicked and the righteous could die of sickness.” (Deji Yesufu).

As I read and contemplated on his words, I was reminded of a video of Kenneth Copeland that I posted on my YouTube page about seven months ago. In the video, the Grand Wizard of the Word of Faith Movement boasted to his captive audience of how he lives in divine health and why they should too. 

What’s particularly ironic about Mr. Copeland’s outlandish claims was the fact that at the same time he was regaling the bewitched crowd with his supernaturally healthy life, he then went on to tell them a story that literally and completely undercuts his claims of divine health.

As the story goes, he was preaching in a prison one day when suddenly he developed symptoms of heart failure. He started to experience shortness of breath, wheezing, and tingling sensation on the left side of his chest. Because heart disease runs in his mother’s side of the family, he knew right away what was going on. So, he quickly went and consulted with his Cardiologist. After undergoing a battery of tests, the Cardiologist informed him that he needed a pacemaker.

Upon hearing the doctor’s recommendation, Kenneth Copeland claimed he was at first reluctant to get the pacemaker. He told himself he was going to simply believe God and just go on with his life without a pacemaker. 

Well, what do you know? Lo and behold, the word of the Lord suddenly came to Kenneth saying:

“No! You are too far behind the power curve now. Receive the pacemaker by faith!”

That’s right. He heard God tell him to receive the pacemaker by faith. And that’s exactly what he did. The faith healer went ahead and got the pacemaker as the doctor recommended. 

Here’s a man who preaches divine health to his gullible followers and who assures them that it is their divine destiny to never get sick or ever need a doctor in their life. All they need to do to stay perfectly healthy is for them to just name it and claim it. All the while, the same man goes about with a pacemaker in his chest. How about that for a divine health?

This is the reason you should never trust a faith healer with prescription eyeglasses or a Word of Faith preacher who goes around with a pacemaker in his chest. Kenneth Copeland and his type are impious impostors and religious scam artists. Their claim of divine health for all believers is a divine hoax to get people to empty their wallets to fund their extravagant lifestyles.

Of such men as these did Jude, the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, write:

“These are spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots. raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” (Jude 1:12).

And by the way, Deji Yesufu is the Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. If you live in Ibadan, that’s a Church I’d readily recommend you attend. There, the Word of God is taught, one verse at a time, contextually and accurately.


  1. While I believe in Divine health I refuse to judge others who may have health issues. Your own words can come back on you.

  2. That’s interesting because I saw that episode where Copeland said that God told him he was far too along and to get the pacemaker. Did Jesus ever say sorry can’t help you. You’re too far along. No. He healed everyone who came to him with the exception of his home town due to lack of faith not inability for Jesus to heal.

  3. Copeland never told people not to go see a doctor.


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