By Akin Ojumu

Contrary to what you may have been taught or led to believe, the Gospel is not about you, your wants or needs or desires. True Gospel isn’t about your trials and tribulations, or about tests and testimonies. It isn’t about your acts, feats, or accomplishments. 

A message that inflames cravings for temporal pleasures, indulges an appetite for everything without measure, and engenders pride in human achievements and earthly possessions is not from God, but from the pit of hell.

True Gospel is not a motivational speech to assuage man’s self-esteem. It isn’t to pump up man’s ego by telling him he is a giant on his inside ready to burst out. The true Gospel isn’t to challenge sinners to take charge and take control of their lives, and it’s definitely not to teach people on how to use God to achieve their pipe dreams.

Serving people platitudinous ponderosity to tickle their canal minds and make them feel good about themselves is not preaching the true Gospel. Putting on a show to thrill the crowd or promising a blissful temporal existence is a corruption of the true Gospel. The Gospel isn’t about scratching people’s ears with words that appeal to their itchy ears.

The true Gospel would never guarantee absence of pain and suffering. It does not give an assurance of victory over sickness and disease. The Gospel message isn’t about banishing poverty or eliminating impoverishment in the world. Telling people they can live in divine health or swim in extraordinary wealth is not a Gospel message. Teaching them schemes and strategies they can use to gain the whole world to the detriment of their soul is a profoundly false gospel.

In the opening verses of his Epistle to the Romans, Apostle Paul tells us exactly what the true Gospel is. Here is how describes it:

“Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an Apostle, set apart for the GOSPEL OF GOD, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the HOLY SCRIPTURES, concerning his SON, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the SON OF GOD in power according to the SPIRIT OF HOLINESS by his resurrection from the dead, JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, including you who are called to belong to JESUS CHRIST…” (Romans 1:1-6).

First and foremost, the Gospel is the Gospel of God and not of man. This Gospel can only be found in the Holy Scriptures and not in the false narratives of those who claim to hear directly from God or who make routine visits to the throne room in Heaven. The Gospel is about His Son, Jesus Christ. It is a message about the life and works of the Son of God. The unblemished Lamb sacrificed for the remission of the sins of a blemished world is the heart of the Gospel message. The Gospel is about resurrection and ascension of the crucified Christ. This message is the only hope of redemption for the wretched sinner.

When the true Gospel is preached, the hearer is made to realize that there’s nothing good about him. He is informed that his true self is wretched through and through, debauched all around, and evil continually. The Gospel reminds the hearer that his sinful nature is in enmity with God and constantly at war with His Laws. The hearer of the true Gospel is forewarned that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

In the preaching of the true Gospel, sinners are warned in unambiguous terms that the only escape from the impending judgement and wrath of God is to run to Jesus, begging for mercy. They are told that God sent his only begotten Son to take upon Himself the punishment that is due for their iniquities. The true Gospel message is one that demands of the hearer to deny himself, nail the flesh to the cross, and die to self. The Gospel always points the way to Jesus Christ, the Savior of our soul.

The Gospel is all about Jesus Christ and not about the exploits and anointing of the preacher. Anyone who preaches anything other than that is preaching a false gospel.

Unadulterated Gospel is the Christian message. If anyone comes to you with a message other than the true Gospel, what that person is preaching is not the Christian message. Pay him no heed.


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