By Akin Ojumu

Scattered all over the Church are a plethora of false prophets and false apostles who are making promises to people on behalf of God that God has not promised. 

These are impostors who disguise their true nature with their cunning lips, and they are fraudsters who harbor deceit in the shallowness of their evil hearts. They creep up to you camouflaged in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.

Greedily, they exploit with false words. By their smooth talk and lip service, they deceive the hearts of the naïve. Using flattery and puffery, they pull a wool of dissimulation over the faces of impressionable people. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is most certainly assured.

Arrogantly, they presume to speak a word in the name of God that God has not commanded them to speak. They fill their bewitched audience with false hopes and pump them up with pipe dreams. They speak fantasies of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord. They prophesy lying visions, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own reprobate minds. These charlatans do not serve the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own insatiable appetites; and their god is their bloated bellies.

Pretending to be grape bearing trees, all you gather from them are poisonous fruits. Whereas they claim to be healthy trees that bear good fruits, yet all you are able to get from them are rotten fruits. 

When you feed on the false promises of false prophets you are unwittingly poisoning you soul with Satan’s toxins. Where falsehood reigns, lawlessness abounds. Sexual scandals and financial malfeasance always follow false apostles. A sheep that moves in the company of dogs will eat feces and a dog that associates with goats will eat yam peelings. The stench of scandal and malfeasance is bound to stick on all those who associate with charlatans.

God always keeps His promises. All His promises come to pass; not one of them has ever failed. The stars may fall, but God’s promises will stand and be fulfilled. Not one Word ever fails of all the  things that the Lord our God has promised. When God gives you His Word, He keeps it no matter what. The promises that fail to come to pass are only those presumptuously ascribed to Him by false prophets and false apostles that He never promised.

For those of you who have bought into the lie of false promises and all of you who are drunk on the Kool-Aid of false assurances, God is not under any obligation to fulfill the false promises made to you on His behalf by charlatans that He himself has not explicitly promised. Do not expect God to grant you your heart desires when He did not plant the seed of those desires in your heart in the first place.

When the promises and assurances fail, as they are most certainly going to fail, do not blame God for disappointing you. First and foremost, you should point the accusing fingers of blame in the direction of the false prophets and false apostles who build pie in the sky for you in the name of God.

Thereafter, look very carefully in the mirror and pour the hot coal of blame on the head of the person that stares back at you for being such a sucker for the lies crooked men tell. For you’ve only got yourself to blame for not recognizing wolves in sheep’s clothing for the predator they really are.


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