By Akin Ojumu

A few years ago, Bishop Abraham Chigbundu went to a Church in the UK to hawk a special perfume that could ward off spiritual odor. The deliverance minister spent his time on the pulpit to market an anointed spiritual body armor, in form of a fragrance, that will serve as bulletproof against spiritual attacks.

Only there’s a catch. You must first sow a fat seed to get just a few squirts of the anointed perfume. For a generous gift of $750 to $1,000, you get to stand in front of the line to be doused with Bishop Chigbundu’s powerful perfume.

The Gospel huckster has come again. This time around, he is advertising a diploma program in deliverance offered by his University of Deliverance. Professor Abraham Chigbundu, Ph.D., D.Litt., D.Sc., LL., the exorcist extraordinaire, wants you to come and get a certificate in casting out demons from his international deliverance college. 

Just so it’s clear, the idea of an international school of deliverance is totally foreign to Scripture. You will not find a single Bible text where anyone obtained a diploma in deliverance certificate. None of the early Christians – by which I mean the Apostles of Jesus Christ and those that immediately succeeded them – established a school of demonology where they charged students fees to obtain an academic degree certificate in how to casting out demons.

With regards to demonic oppression and/or demonic possession. Reading the Bible, you won’t find a single text where a Christian was demon possessed. While it’s possible for a Christian to experience demonic oppression or influence involving demons attacking the person physically, spiritually and/or luring him into sinful behavior, a demon cannot have direct control over the thoughts and/or actions of a true Christian, which is what demonic possession really means. There’s no Scripture that supports the idea that a demon can take complete control of a Believer in Christ in whom the Holy Spirit dwells.

The deliverance many Christians need is not from possession or oppression by demons. What they need is deliverance from their ignorance of the Word of God. All it takes to be delivered is for the person to pick up the Bible and prayerfully study, asking God to illuminate their heart with the light of His truth and for Him to saturate their mind with the knowledge of His Word.

The Abraham Chigbundu that many of us knew back then at the Christian Union Fellowship, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria has since transformed into something totally unrecognizable. He has now built for himself a temporal empire solely around evil spirits and deliverance. The man profits from casting out demons from the demon possessed – real or imagined.

From all appearances, Brother Abraham Chigbundu has cast off all restraints. This our “Senior Friend” of Christian Union Fellowship days has stopped pretending that he cares at all about souls that are perishing. It appears the fierce urgency of now to save sinners from the wrath of God is completely lost on him.

Uppermost in the mind of the self-styled apostle of deliverance these days are the cares of this world. The deceitfulness of riches and an unbridled desire to acquire the fine things in life seem to be choking the Truth of God in the heart of this man who played a part in shaping the maturity in the faith of many of us.

It’s heartbreaking to see that this is what has become of this beloved senior friend. Sadly, it’s the end result for those whose focus shifts to earthly things and it is what happens to everyone whose primary emphasis becomes temporal. An unholy fascination with the kingdom of darkness often leads you into error and an obsession with mammon will derail even the best of us.


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