By Akin Ojumu

Actions speak louder than words, and a picture is worth a thousand words. You don’t have to be a mind reader to know where Kirk Franklin stands when it comes to the degeneracy of sexual identity.

Just take a look at the color of the shirt the man is wearing in his recently released musical video titled, “Try Love.” It tells you everything you need to know. Frankly, you could say Kirk Franklins color choices speak louder than his choice of words.

For Kirk Franklin to proudly wear pride colors in his latest music video is a bold declaration of his true intentions. The rainbow-colored shirt is a signal to the community of sexual perverts that he sympathizes with them. By appearing in those colors, Franklin is announcing to anyone who’d care to listen that the days of dog whistle are over, the season of the bullhorn has come. 

The man is letting us know that he has dropped all pretenses, and that he no longer sees the point of hiding his position on this issue anymore. He is now boldly flaunting his allegiance to the children of disobedience right in all our faces.

A spiritually and morally compromised Kirk Franklin is on a mission to normalize iniquity. The guy is on a quest to blur the lines between righteousness and lawlessness. Instead of using his massive platform to push God’s agenda, Franklin has become an impassioned advocate for the demonic agenda. He is an apostle of tolerance for reprehensible behavior.

Unwilling to confront a reprobate world with the unvarnished truth, Kirk Franklin caved and sold out to the Devil. Having realized that to stand for the truth may mean losing a lucrative career and vast material empire, Kirk Franklin chose, instead, to toe the line and bow to Satan.

“Try Love” is a single from Kirk Franklin’s upcoming album titled, “Father’s Day,” scheduled for release in October. The song is another one in a long line of wishy-washy “Christian” songs out there. Up-tempo and make-me-feel-good-with-myself, “Try Love” is the kind of music Kirk Franklin is known for. Produced under a Christian Genre, the supposedly Christian song is anything but Christian. It is theologically barren and doctrinally empty. “Try Love” stirs the emotions all the while leaving the soul pitiably unprofitable.

And what kind of love, exactly, is Kirk Franklin asking his listeners to try in this song? Is it the “love” that God demands, or the love as defined by decadent minds. “Try Love” is nothing but a call for an unconditional surrender to the depravity of man. The song is a demand for an unquestioning acceptance of a lifestyle that’s anathema to Biblical Christianity. Franklin is advocating for a capitulation to apostasy. It’s a declaration of war against God.

In several instances in the Second and Third Epistles of John, you’d find Apostle John talking about “love in truth” and “love and truth.” This he did to emphasize the inseparability of love and truth.

“The elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in truth; and not only I, but also all who know the truth, for the sake of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.” (2 John 1:1-3).

“The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in truth.” (3 John 1:1).

There cannot be love without truth. Love is always anchored in the foundation of truth. Love devoid of truth is mere hypocritical sentimentality. It’s impossible for love to exist outside of the Precepts of God. A world of hurt awaits anyone looking for love outside of God’s truth.

Kirk Franklin’s “Try Love,” is a solicitation to Try Sin. The kind of love he is promoting is perversion and licentiousness. And that’s to be expected from a man who parades around in a coat of prideful colors.


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