By Akin Ojumu

In this short video clip, this individual, by the name of Kevin Basconi, claims that Heaven is experiencing a severely acute job shortage.

“There are millions of unemployed angels in the kingdom of heaven. And my heart desire, and I believe the Lord’s heart desire, Sid, is for God’s people to get the revelation that we can co-labor with His angels.”

According to Kevin Basconi, there’s an employment crisis in God’s kingdom unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. The situation is so dire that millions of angelic beings are out on the streets looking for jobs. These unemployed angels are so desperate they’ll take any job they can get.

For the employment market for angels to get this bad, the economy of God’s kingdom must be in recession or depression. What this means is that the balance sheets of heavenly businesses have taken a major hit and they now have no choice but to lay off their angelic workforce. It may be that God can no longer afford to keep so many angels on his payroll.

Some of you may be wondering, “Who is this Kevin Basconi guy?” “How does he have so much insight into the economic situation in God’s kingdom?” This is what he has to say about himself on his website:

“Kevin is an internationally published author and award-winning artist. Kevin has been graced by God to see into the spiritual realm and often sees and discerns angelic activity. Kevin works to equip the Body of Christ to operate in the “Seer Anointing,” and to help people understand how to enter the presence and glory of God.”

You see, grifters such as Kevin Basconi who lay claim to supernatural abilities that no one else has are nothing but con artists looking to fleece gullible suckers. Professing deep mysteries and special knowledge downloaded directly from celestial hard drives, they rip-off ignorant folks who are easily enthralled by bombastic boasts of supernatural insights. 

Greedy fraudsters like Kevin Basconi shamelessly exploit millions with false words. Without remorse, they take untold numbers of hapless victims to the cleaners by their false claims.

“These men are hidden reefs in your love feasts, shamelessly feasting with you but shepherding only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried along by the wind; fruitless trees in autumn, twice dead after being uprooted.” (Jude 1:12).

What really riles me up about this cunningness wrapped up in spirituality, is the discredit it brings to Christianity. Because of these wolves in sheep’s clothing, the name of Christ is maligned. 

Unfortunately, this fakery is what defines Pentecostalism. Eruptions of wild claims and outbursts of dubious proclamations are common occurrences in charismatic assemblies. 

Without checks or balances and with total disregard for authentication or verification, self-appointed prophets and apostles boast of fantastical supernatural phenomena to the awe and amazement of their adoring admirers.

If you think these deceivers will escape God’s wrath, think again. The punishment that’s coming upon these people will be far severe than that which was visited upon the demons who corrupted the beautiful daughters of men by taking them for wives in Genesis 6; those demons were bound in chains, cast down to hell, and incarcerated in the pits of darkness, where they await the final judgment. The destruction that came upon the people of Sodom and Gomorrah will be nothing compared to what’s coming to these blasphemers who profess to speak for God but are spewing out lies.

For those who insist on buying the unbiblical garbage that Kevin Basconi and his fellow spiritists and new-age spiritualists are peddling, I have nothing but pity for your soul. 

If any of you know someone looking for angels to hire, make sure to contact Kevin Basconi who’ll pass on the information to the Office of Employment for Angelic Beings on one of his regular commutes to heaven? 

Should you wish to contact the office directly yourself, the phone number to call is 1-800-HIRE-AN-ANGEL.


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