“A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 7:18)
INEC is a diseased tree. It cannot conduct free and fair elections. INEC is a rotten tree. It’s incapable of producing legitimate election results. To expect INEC to umpire honest elections, is to expect a snowball to survive the heat of hellfire.
The 2023 presidential election conducted by INEC was a sham. The subsequent ongoing collation of election results is fraudulent. Whatever results INEC comes out of this election allocation exercise would amount to nothing but fruits of a poisonous tree that cannot be allowed to stand. If the INEC tree itself is tainted, so is the fruit that it produces.
No one in their right mind deliberately consumes the rotten fruit of a diseased tree. Sane people understand that eating fetid fruits often leads to deleterious consequences. Only the insane or someone on a kamikaze mission will knowingly pick up an apple covered with moulds and eat.
Yet, INEC has set about on a dangerous path to force-feed Nigerians with the festering fruits of its poisonous tree. In an unprecedented brazen move, INEC has made a pact with the devil and has decided to ram down the throat of Nigerians maggoty results from a tainted election. As Nigerians gag and retch on the poison, a recalcitrant INEC seems determined to choke Nigerians to death on its rotten apple.
Well, INEC is setting itself up for a wake-up call and the unseen evil powers behind INEC are due for a rude awakening. If they thought this is going to be business as usual, they thought wrong. These wicked souls are sorely mistaken if they expect Nigerians to rollover as usual and accept the outcome.
Just as all diseased trees are destined for fire, so is the INEC tree. Even now, the axe is laid to the root of the INEC tree. This sickened tree and its shambolic election results will, sooner or later, be chopped down and thrown into the fire.
A lion does not roar in the forest, when he has no prey. A young lion does not cry out from his den, if he has taken nothing. In due time, you are going to hear us loud and clear.
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