A little over two months ago, I sent the following e-mail to multiple individuals at the Chicago State University requesting a verification of Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s academic qualification.
Hi,I'm a US-based Nigerian and a current affairs blogger looking to verify the degree of one of the candidates in the 2023 Nigeria's presidential election. The said individual allegedly graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in accounting from the College of Business, Chicago State University.The following is the individual's information:Name: Bola Ahmed TinubuDate of Birth: March 29, 1952Degree Program: Accounting/FinanceGraduation Date: 1979These are my specific inquiries:1. Did Bola Ahmed Tinubu graduate with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from College of Business, Chicago State University?
2. Which year did Bola Ahmed Tinubu graduate from CSU?
3. What was Bola Ahmed Tinubu's GPA upon graduation from CSU?
4. Did Bola Ahmed Tinubu deliver the valedictory speech for the graduating class?In addition, I was also hoping you could help answer the following questions:5. The date the College of Business was established
6. The date the college started admitting students.
7. The date the program received its first accreditation
8. The name and contact information of the accrediting bodyI look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Akin Ojumu
After waiting 8 weeks with no response, I sent a follow up e-mail to the same individuals, and this time I added more people at the institution.
Finally, early this morning, I received the e-mail below from Lauren Finch, the Director of Integrated Marketing and Communications, Office of External Affairs, Chicago State University. This is the office that manages media inquiries for the institution.
Attached to Ms. Lauren Finch was a document titled: “Chicago University Statement Bola Tinubu Enrollment Verification.” The statement dated, June 27, 2022, reads:Please find attached the verified university statement on your inquiry. The institution cannot release further details by law as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).--Lauren FinchDirector of Integrated Marketing & CommunicationsOffice of External AffairsDirect: (773) 821-4976Cell: (773) 882-00859501 S. King Drive, Chicago, IL 60628
To Whom It May Concern:Please be advised that Bola A. Tinubu attended Chicago State University from August 1977 through June 1979. He majored in accounting and was awarded a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with Honors on June 22, 1979.Sincerely,Office of the Registrar.
While this statement from the Chicago State University should put to rest the lingering question about Bola Tinubu’s academic qualification, there are still a few open questions left unanswered. For instance, the statement from the CSU, conveniently, failed to address the following:
1. The date the College of Business was established
2. The date the college started admitting students.
3. The date the program received its first accreditation
4. The name and contact information of the accrediting body
From our own investigation, we do know that the College of Business, Chicago State University, received its very first accreditation from ACBSP in 2006. That was nearly 30 years after Bola Tinubu graduated from the school. Which means that as of 1979 when Bola Tinubu received his Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the Chicago State University, the College of Business was not an accredited business program.
Far more important than Bola Tinubu’s academic qualification, though, is the man’s reputation as the plunderer of Lagos State. I don’t so much care that he didn’t attend primary school as much as I care that he is the prince of prebendalism who enriched himself and his cronies with the wealth of Lagos State. I fear more that if, God forbid, he became president of Nigeria, he will do to the country what he is doing to Lagos State.
For that alone, Bola Ahmed Tinubu should not be rewarded with the high seat in Aso Rock. Nigerians would be wise not to let this fox be the MeiGuard at Nigeria's henhouse.
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