By Akin Ojumu
In what can only be deemed as the gaffe of the year, self-styled apostle, Arome Osayi, let slip what all modern-day showbiz preachers try to hide from their gullible followers.
Boasting in a recent video about how he performed miracles at a Catholic Church, the magician declared that the Gospel has nothing to do with morality. In his own words, he admonished his captive audience to, “Please go and look for power. The Gospel is not moral lesson.”
"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." (Luke 6:45).
Knowingly or unknowingly, Arome Osayi spoke out what's in his heart. This is what these false prophets and false teachers never wanted you to know about them. These folks have no regard for the moral codes of the Bible. The ordinance of God that we should flee from all iniquities and His commands to us to abstain from all appearances of evil are not their cup of tea. Such mundane rules and archaic regulations are meant for ordinary people and they don't apply to powerful men of god such as them.
The signs, wonders, and miracles are all they want from the Gospel, the requirement for holiness and the demand for righteousness be damned. All they are interested in is the display of power; the showy part of Christianity that makes them look like demigods and makes people want to worship them like deities.
Any wonder then that these false apostles get ensnared in all kinds of immorality and scandals? It is why controversies always seem to swirl around them, dogging them wherever they go. These men are loose canons not tethered to any moral foundation.
When Arome Osayi told his audience to go and look for power, he wasn't talking about the power that comes from God through the Holy Spirit, for the power that comes from God is given as God wills, and it's not something you go and look for. The power Arome Osayi was referring to is occultic power that originates from the kingdom of darkness. Satan and his demons are the source of such power, and that's where they go to obtain it.
Arome Osayi, and his fellow travelers on the broad road that leads to destruction, are the offspring of Simon the Sorcerer spoken of in Acts 8:9-25. They have no part in the ministry of the true Gospel, for their hearts are not right with God. They do not belong to God for they are full of evil and are captive to sin.
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