By Akin Ojumu
As long as the Christian church gets consumed with the temporal and all you hear preached ad nauseam from the pulpit is the acquisition of material things, spiritually hungry souls will continue to be left famished, and with time they'll look outside the church to satiate their spiritual hunger.
The consequence of the persistent preoccupation of modern-day preachers with wealth, health, and material success, is an inevitable disillusionment of many in the church who are desperately seeking the truth. After a while, though, these people will end up embracing the lies of Satan who lures them to himself with the promise of providing the answers they seek.
People of God who are not fed the proper diet of the bread of life that gives sustenance to the soul, and those in the church who have weak faith and lack the depth of the knowledge of truth as a result, will eventually give up on Christianity entirely and the devil is just waiting to reel them in to himself with the promise he will quench their spiritual thirst.
The widespread adulteration of the Christian message in our weekly meetings and the relentless glorification of material things in our Holy Ghost services have again and again proven to be ineffectual and ineffective in sustaining spiritually hungry souls.
For these reasons, many who were raised in the church as children and many who once served the Lord fervently as devoted Christians have ended up embracing religion of all sorts. Some, as depicted in this video, have even gone to the extreme of pledging their souls to the devil by joining coven of witches and company of warlocks.
True believers in Christ have been called to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness with all their heart, with all their mind, with all their soul, and with all their strength. For the Christian faith to be effective, the Church must not let the concern of what we shall eat, what we shall drink, what we shall wear, and where we shall live take control of our messages, and the Body of Christ cannot afford to let the love of the things of this world dominate our thoughts.
Anyone and everyone who ministers to the saints of God must consciously and consistently de-emphasize what the Bible calls “all these things." The preacher of the Gospel must emphatically focus on what’s most important to saving and sustaining the soul, which is, the unrelenting pursuit of God’s kingdom and unyielding walk in its righteousness.
Believers must be constantly reminded that life does not consist in an abundance of possessions. Those in Christ must be taught not to worry about tomorrow but that they should let tomorrow worry about itself. For each day has enough trouble of its own. This is the Gospel.
Unless the people of God return to rightly dividing the Word of Truth and until the redeemed of God turn back to preaching the uncorrupted Gospel, the church's loss will continue to be Satan's gain.
Thank you for this is my best sermon for today