In a four-minute anti-government tirade during his Sunday service posted on YouTube, Pastor Greg Locke of the Global Vision Bible Church in Tennessee pastor told his congregation that he would not tolerate mask-wearers in his church.

"If they go through round two and you start showing up (with) all these masks and all this nonsense, I will ask you to leave," Locke in his anti-masking diatribe. "I will ask you to leave. I am not playing these Democrat games up in this church."

Locke's comments come at a time when localities around the country are considering requiring face masks as the Delta variant rages through the unvaccinated population.

Locke's colorful jeremiad was posted to YouTube. "I ain't playing these stupid games," he said. "A bunch of pastors talking about how much they want to see people heal and they're afraid to baptize people because of a delta variant – I'm sick of it."

“Sometimes you got to stir the fools up. Sometimes got stir the pot. Jesus said, "y'all some fools, boys. Look, I don't have to be a jerk for Jesus. But if you think I'm going to kowtow down to a wicked, godless culture that is never going to accept me, that is never going to accept Jesus, that is never going to like our church… You see, here's what the left has told us: "If you comply, if you compromise, if you comply, if you compromise, eventually you'll get in our good graces."

“No, because you'll never comply enough, you'll never compromise enough, you will never get in the good graces of godless people because all they want is compliance. I'm gonna go on record and you say some right now while I'm talking about this. They talk about shutting down this nation for round two. Talking about masking everybody back up, shutting down churches. Hey, my hind leg if they think they gonna shut this church down. I'm gonna go and let you know that right now in the name of God.”

“They will be serving Frosty's in Hell before we shut this place down, just because a buck wild demon-possessed government tells us to. Knock on my door, ask me if I get a vaccine, my hind leg. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you, I tell you that right now. I ain't playin' their games.”

“Shut the nation down for a second time – you know why, cuz people ain't afraid no more. It didn't hurt the economy bad enough. You know what happens when they shut down private businesses? They open government businesses. Government ain't hurt one bit. So, all that to say, don't believe this Delta variant nonsense. Stop it. Stop it.”

“I know Right Wing Watch is watching. I don't care. If they go through round two, you start showing up all these masks and all this nonsense, I'll ask you to leave. I will ask you to leave! I am not playing these Democrat games up in his church. If you want to social distance, go to First Baptist Church but don't come to this one. I'm done with it. I said I'm done with it. I ain't playing these stupid games.”

“But your pastor's talking about how much they want to see people healed – they're afraid to baptize people because of a Delta variant. I'm sick of it.”

“They say, "Well, you know if you would just comply this whole thing would go away." Do you really believe that? It's never gonna go away because you've been compliant about it. They know who's gonna be a problem and they know who they can control, and I don't care what you or anybody else says, I'm gonna be a problem moving forward. I'm not giving into this mess. You call it a prophecy; you call it what you want to. I am not going to play their games.”


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