The Church is not an invention of the human mind and it is not conceived in the imagination of man. The Church is not a human institution, and it is not an earthly organization. It is not a secular entity that can be inherited or passed down as an inheritance. No man owns it, no man runs it.
The Church is
not a spectator sport. It is not a professional pulpitism financed by
lay spectators who sit there and watch it happen.
The Church is indestructible,
eternal, and supernatural. Its head is Christ, who lives forevermore. Its
members are believers who have been given eternal life. The Church is
everlasting and it cannot die.
The Church is a living, breathing, organism that functions as life and breath. And it is functioning on the basis of the ministry of each member within that Church to minister to the other. And that’s why it’s seen as a Body, and every one of us is a member of that Body. We have a function in harmony and symphony with every other member.
The Church is the living manifestation of the fullness of the character of Christ. It is the Body of Christ. The Church is Christ on earth.
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