By Akin Ojumu
Yesterday, Nigeria engaged in illicit and ill-advised
sexual intercourse with an unfaithful paramour without using any type of
protection. In yet another presidential election, the motherland has willingly opened up herself to men who see in her a mere object of inordinate pleasure. Without
coercion, Nigeria has once again surrendered to chastity defilers and thrill
seekers, giving them consent to take advantage of her. For the 11th
time in the nation’s history, the matriarch of our destiny has been ravaged by savages
who would debase her like a woman of no virtue.
It is the morning after. And like a whore who, at the climax of her fertility period, has had yet another unprotected
sexual encounter the previous night, mother Nigeria is overwhelmed with guilt.
For jettisoning her dignity so easily and cheaply, she is consumed with regret.
Fear envelopes her soul because she can feel the product of her promiscuity as
it forms in the depth of her womb.
Unlike the other times in the past, when she had allowed herself
to be molested without much of any resistance, the latest episode stings more greatly.
The shame of her actions, like a ton of bricks, weighs heavily on her guilty
What’s so different about this encounter that makes it more
painful than the others in the past, is that three of her children witnessed the
entire tragedy as it unfolds and yet they could not save her from her degrading
Perhaps consumed with their selfish ambition, the young
children of mother Nigeria - represented by Omoyele Sowore (AAC), Fela Durotoye (ANN) and Kingsley Moghalu (YPP) - stood there and watched as their motherland was
ravaged again and again and again. Intoxicated by the beguiling taste of
their egos, these young children of Nigeria – who, hitherto, were considered
the hope of nation – allowed their mother to be desecrated.
Now, it wasn’t that the Nigerian youth didn’t do anything
to help their motherland. To their credit, they did put up somewhat of a fight.
But their effort fell far short of what was needed to save mother Nigeria. Their
rescue attempt, a misguided sorry excuse, was not enough to deliver her from
those who disrespectfully use her. Unwilling and unable to team up and join
hands, the youth of Nigeria could not mount a pushback strong enough to repel the
abusers of their motherland.
For some inexplicable reasons, the magnitude of the
moment in the nation’s history seemed lost on these young sons of Nigeria. As political
neophytes, just being in the fight appeared to suffice. Blinded by the klieg light
of attention, they could not see that the battle was much bigger than their
individual ambitions. Not used to the limelight, the race became a farce.
campaign looked like a gimmick, and their race, some kind of a joke. They each
were content to be regarded as “Presidential Candidates,” and they seemed to derive enormous pleasure in being called “Presidential Aspirants.” From the outside
looking in, these young sons of Nigeria appeared to have embarked upon an
adventure to pad their curriculum vitae.
It may well be that they didn’t start out with the intention
of merely creating a buzz around their candidacies, to get them noticed and perhaps considered for some future crumbs of power. Deep down, and considering their
antecedents, these young Nigerians may have been motivated by a genuine desire
to save the motherland from those who have consistently pillaged, and taken
advantage of, her all these years. They may have come to the fight willing to
do all that was necessary to protect the motherland, including burying all their priggish
and narcissistic tendencies.
Nevertheless, somewhere along the journey, their
good intentions became corrupted. The sense of duty to the nation, they had entering
the race, must have been hijacked by the sense of self gratification. The
thought of, “Only I can fix it,” became a judgement clouding veil that prevented them from seeing the enormity of the task at hand, until it became too late.
Suddenly, they came to the realization that their solo endeavor
is futile and would not yield the desired results. Yet, instead of swallowing their
pride and making a strategic adjustment, they decided to plow ahead alone and make
the best out of a no-win situation. Seeing their name on the ballot box became their
single source of thrill and elixir of vindication of having arrived in the
league of big seems.
For all the reasons heretofore enumerated, the sons and
daughters of Nigeria couldn’t agree on a merger to present a formidable
opposition to meaningfully engage in battle with the powerful forces that
have repeatedly raped their motherland. For reasons of self-absorption and lack
of self-realization, the Nigerian youths failed to unite behind one viable
consensus presidential candidate that had the chance to win.
Unable and incapable
of seeing the bigger picture, the young Nigerian aspirants must have reasoned that
forming a solidarity of young Nigerians to take on the ruling class that keeps on defiling their motherland serves no useful purpose – at least not their own personal purpose.
And in that, they were wrong. And for that, Nigeria lost…again.
Unless there is a rethink, and a re-examination, of the
failures of the youth in this election cycle, the footnote of history will be
too prominent of a place for the three young Nigerian presidential aspirants to be
Except these Nigerian youths conduct a serious postmortem of their political
faux pas – as some still hold out hope that they are capable of doing – they’ll
soon be completely forgotten. Their names will forever be stricken from memory
because of their egregious political malfeasance.
Failing to embark on these critical self assessment measures, the Nigerian youths will assume the
reputation as the pimp of the motherland. Their missteps will serve as the most
consequential setback for a comeback for our nation in this election cycle.
The consequences of the defeat
Nigeria suffered in the presidential election will reverberate far
into the distant future. And there’s a good chance a lasting damage has already been done to their country from which it may never recover.
Weep my beloved country